
Inspire 2 - CINESSD (480G)

DJI CINESSD uses an NVMe logical device interface specification, features four PCI Express ports and supports FAT32/exFAT file formats. When using a 480GB CINESSD, the Inspire 2 can record videos at write speeds of up to 4.2Gbps, providing enough data to meet demanding filmmaking needs.
DJI CINESSD uses an NVMe logical device interface specification, features four PCI Express ports and supports FAT32/exFAT file formats. When using a 480GB CINESSD, the Inspire 2 can record videos at write speeds of up to 4.2Gbps, providing enough data to meet demanding filmmaking needs.

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  • DJI Store Reykjavík Drónaverslun 519 4747 Lækjargötu 2a, 101 Reykjavík

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