
Djúpur diskur PRINCESS 24cm

A popular shape to join the delicate Princess collection, the 24 cm Princess Deep Plate is beautifully encircled by a hand painted lace border, bringing a touch of timeless elegance to any scene. The plate is ideal for servings of pasta, salad or portion dining. The delicate Princess collection epitomises classic femininity. Every piece in the collection is encircled by a fine, hand painted lace …
A popular shape to join the delicate Princess collection, the 24 cm Princess Deep Plate is beautifully encircled by a hand painted lace border, bringing a touch of timeless elegance to any scene. The plate is ideal for servings of pasta, salad or portion dining. The delicate Princess collection epitomises classic femininity. Every piece in the collection is encircled by a fine, hand painted lace border and decorated with fish scale decorations and handmade flutes. The elegance of the collection adds a touch of old-worldly beauty to any scene.

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