
Rest bekkur Wen-ressp5

INVITING LINES When looking for a place to zone out for a while, get some work done, recharge ahead of a meeting or anything in-between: Look for the flowing lines of the Rest Bench, designed by German Sebastian Herkner. Bent, upholstered elements have been pieced together in an elegant harmony, offering a natural breathing space. A NATURAL BREATHING SPACE The design has a characterful persona wi…
INVITING LINES When looking for a place to zone out for a while, get some work done, recharge ahead of a meeting or anything in-between: Look for the flowing lines of the Rest Bench, designed by German Sebastian Herkner. Bent, upholstered elements have been pieced together in an elegant harmony, offering a natural breathing space. A NATURAL BREATHING SPACE The design has a characterful persona with upholstered elements that bring a sense of softness to modern spaces, joined by the functionality of its curved back, allowing for the user to be seated at multiple positions, and the elegant side table.

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