
Plus Plus - Mini Neon 600 pcs - (3311)

Plus Plus

Plus Plus Bricks - Mini Neon 600 pcs

Simplistic shape. Endless possibility!

The only tools required are the children's imagination.

Plus Plus bricks is made of PE (polyethylene) and has successfully passed

the normal tests and standards for toys: EN 71-1, 71-2, 71-3.

Free of phthalates and PVC.

Plus Plus Bricks - Mini Neon 600 pcs

Simplistic shape. Endless possibility!

The only tools required are the children's imagination.

Plus Plus bricks is made of PE (polyethylene) and has successfully passed

the normal tests and standards for toys: EN 71-1, 71-2, 71-3.

Free of phthalates and PVC.

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