
Raunsborg - Sun Lotion SPF 15 200 ml


Raunsborg Sun Lotion SPF 15 is a sun lotion with medium protection that protects against UVA and UVB rays. It has a fresh and natural scent of birch and cucumber. Raunsborg Sun Lotion contains i.a. blueberries, which are known for their calming effect, and sea buckthorn, which has a high vitamin C content. Raunsborg is a beauty series inspired by the riches of the Nordic nature. By exploring hu…

Raunsborg Sun Lotion SPF 15 is a sun lotion with medium protection that protects against UVA and UVB rays. It has a fresh and natural scent of birch and cucumber. Raunsborg Sun Lotion contains i.a. blueberries, which are known for their calming effect, and sea buckthorn, which has a high vitamin C content. Raunsborg is a beauty series inspired by the riches of the Nordic nature. By exploring hundreds of years old books on Nordic herbs, Raunsborg has found effective properties for their skin care products that are made for the delicate, Nordic complexion.


  • Smear the body in a handful of sunscreen

  • Children need approx. 15-20 ml

  • Apply the cream often, especially when you sweat or have been in the water

  • Always apply sunscreen for 30 min. before sun exposure, for optimal effect


  • Sun cream

  • SPF 15

  • Protects against UVA and UVB rays

  • Fresh and natural scent of birch and cucumber

  • Waterproof

  • Coral-friendly, does not harm the marine environment

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