
Metallica - …And Justice For All

Alda Music


  1. Blackened
  2. ...And Justice For All
  3. Eye Of The Beholder
  4. One
  5. The Shortest Straw
  6. Harvester Of Sorrow
  7. The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
  8. To Live Is To Die
  9. Dyers Eve


  1. Blackened
  2. ...And Justice For All
  3. Eye Of The Beholder
  4. One
  5. The Shortest Straw
  6. Harvester Of Sorrow
  7. The Frayed Ends Of Sanity
  8. To Live Is To Die
  9. Dyers Eve

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  • Alda Music
    Alda Music ehf 546 2202 Eyjarslóð 7, 101 Reykjavík

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