
Slice oval sófaborð - Minerals Whisky


Stærð: 105x94 - H33

Made from mineral powders, water, earth, natural colour pigments and metallic powders.

A slice of nature to grace your home, this clever design strikes a balance to complement both modern and traditional styles and everything inbetween. The Slice's organic form is finished by hand in our unique and hard-wearing Minerals finish, making this coffee table incredibly fu…

Stærð: 105x94 - H33

Made from mineral powders, water, earth, natural colour pigments and metallic powders.

A slice of nature to grace your home, this clever design strikes a balance to complement both modern and traditional styles and everything inbetween. The Slice's organic form is finished by hand in our unique and hard-wearing Minerals finish, making this coffee table incredibly functional.

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  • Tekk Company
    Tekk-company 564 4400 Skógarlind 2, 201 Kópavogi

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