
Supra (Forged Plastic) Prototype


Speed 5

Glide 5

Turn 0

fade 1

Svartur Stimpill.

Forged is Finish Line's Champion-Grade Disc Golf Plastic. Finish Line's Forged Plastic combines a number of premium polymers to forge a plastic with next-level durability, consistency, and beauty. Designed to withstand the most extreme levels of use. Forged blend plastic is an optimal choice for every player.

Speed 5

Glide 5

Turn 0

fade 1

Svartur Stimpill.

Forged is Finish Line's Champion-Grade Disc Golf Plastic. Finish Line's Forged Plastic combines a number of premium polymers to forge a plastic with next-level durability, consistency, and beauty. Designed to withstand the most extreme levels of use. Forged blend plastic is an optimal choice for every player.

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