
Lilja REGENERATING Andlitsolía

This is an oil that provides slip & emollience but sinks into the skin effortlessly. The oil is composed of grape seed oil which is a great emollient and jojoba oil that reestablishes the oil balance in the skin.  The main herbs used are self-heal that sooths, strengthens and softens the skin, and red clover that has estrogen-like effects that helps slowing down the aging of the skin
This is an oil that provides slip & emollience but sinks into the skin effortlessly. The oil is composed of grape seed oil which is a great emollient and jojoba oil that reestablishes the oil balance in the skin.  The main herbs used are self-heal that sooths, strengthens and softens the skin, and red clover that has estrogen-like effects that helps slowing down the aging of the skin . Additionally, red clover has an anti-convulsant properties that helps relaxing the skin and reducing the fine lines . The bland of these all-natural ingredients are rich with essential fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that rejuvenate and regenerate your skin. It creates a synergy that nurture the skin and gives the healthy glow you are looking for.

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  • FOK - lífstíls og gjafavöruverslun 437 2277 Borgarbraut 58-60 - Hyrnutorgi, 310 Borgarnesi

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