
Iceland - Another World

Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson
Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson is one of Iceland‘s most famous and renowned photographers with many books behind him, such as Lost in Iceland. He and his wife, Helga Gísladóttir have been traveling around Iceland for many years, taking photographs. This beautiful book is a product of those travels. With texts by one of Iceland‘s most popular storytellers, Einar Kárason, relating the old sagas, an…
Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson is one of Iceland‘s most famous and renowned photographers with many books behind him, such as Lost in Iceland. He and his wife, Helga Gísladóttir have been traveling around Iceland for many years, taking photographs. This beautiful book is a product of those travels. With texts by one of Iceland‘s most popular storytellers, Einar Kárason, relating the old sagas, and the distinguished Professor of Geology, Sigurður Steinþórsson, on the formation of Icelandic landscape.

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  • Salka
    Salka bókabúð og útgáfa 776 2400 Hverfisgötu 89-93, 101 Reykjavík

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