
Lok sílikon, vintage rose

Prevent spills by putting a silicone lid with a spout on the baby cup. It’s pleasant for the baby to suck on and won’t break if the cup is dropped or thrown. The holes in the spout only open when the baby drinks and squeezes the spout together. This will prevent spills or the liquid running over the sides. Fits MUMS cups, Sebra silicone cups and cups with an inner diameter of 7 cm. The silicone…
Prevent spills by putting a silicone lid with a spout on the baby cup. It’s pleasant for the baby to suck on and won’t break if the cup is dropped or thrown. The holes in the spout only open when the baby drinks and squeezes the spout together. This will prevent spills or the liquid running over the sides. Fits MUMS cups, Sebra silicone cups and cups with an inner diameter of 7 cm. The silicone lid is dishwasher-safe at max. 65°C. Find product certifications under specifications.

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