
Wes Montgomery - 5 Original Albums

Alda Music


  • CD 1
  • 1: 'round midnight
  • 2: Yesterdays
  • 3: The end of a love affair
  • 4: Whisper not
  • 5: Ecaroh
  • 6: Satin doll
  • 7: Satin doll
  • 8: Missile blues
  • 9: Missile blues
  • 10: Too late now
  • 11: Jingles
  • CD 2


  • CD 1
  • 1: 'round midnight
  • 2: Yesterdays
  • 3: The end of a love affair
  • 4: Whisper not
  • 5: Ecaroh
  • 6: Satin doll
  • 7: Satin doll
  • 8: Missile blues
  • 9: Missile blues
  • 10: Too late now
  • 11: Jingles
  • CD 2
  • 1: Airegin
  • 2: D-natural blues
  • 3: Polka dots and moonbeams
  • 4: Four on six
  • 5: West coast blues
  • 6: In your own sweet way
  • 7: Mr walker
  • 8: Gone with the wind
  • CD 3
  • 1: Movin' along
  • 2: Tune-up
  • 3: Tune-up
  • 4: I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
  • 5: Sandu
  • 6: Body and soul
  • 7: Body and soul
  • 8: So do it!
  • 9: Says you
  • CD 4
  • 1: Twisted blues
  • 2: Cotton tail
  • 3: I wish i knew
  • 4: I'm just a lucky so and so
  • 5: Repetition
  • 6: Something like bags
  • 7: While we're young
  • 8: One for my baby (and one more for the road)
  • CD 5
  • 1: Besame mucho
  • 2: Besame mucho
  • 3: Dearly beloved
  • 4: Days of wine and roses
  • 5: The trick bag
  • 6: Canadian sunset
  • 7: Fried pies
  • 8: Fried pies
  • 9: The breeze and i
  • 10: For heaven's sake

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  • Alda Music
    Alda Music ehf 546 2202 Eyjarslóð 7, 101 Reykjavík

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