
Uppistaða SMILE H70cm nature

One side support for the Smile shelving system. Smile is an elegant shelving system that is both flexible and simple, and which enables you to put your favourite possession on display. Smile consists of grooved oak uprights and removable shelves. Due to the way in which each shelf slides neatly into the side supports, there is no need for extra brackets or pins when moving the shelves around. You…
One side support for the Smile shelving system. Smile is an elegant shelving system that is both flexible and simple, and which enables you to put your favourite possession on display. Smile consists of grooved oak uprights and removable shelves. Due to the way in which each shelf slides neatly into the side supports, there is no need for extra brackets or pins when moving the shelves around. You can therefore assemble the shelves to suit your home, and rearrange them as your needs change.

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