
Lava vase / Hraun vasi


Lava vase are white porcelain vases with a black lava like pattern made with black bubble glaze.

Hraun means lava and usually refers to the volcanic lava rock found all over Iceland, and the cup is meant to remind one of this striking features of Icelandic nature.

Volcanic ash from our famous Eyjafjallajökull, that last erupted in 2010, is mixed in…

Lava vase are white porcelain vases with a black lava like pattern made with black bubble glaze.

Hraun means lava and usually refers to the volcanic lava rock found all over Iceland, and the cup is meant to remind one of this striking features of Icelandic nature.

Volcanic ash from our famous Eyjafjallajökull, that last erupted in 2010, is mixed into the white porcelain

The vases come in two sizes

Each vase is unique.

Hraun vasi eru hvítir postulíns vasar með svörtu mynstri sem minnir okkur á hraunið sem við finnum allstaðar á okkar fallega landi.

Ösku úr Eyjafjallajökli, sem gaus svo eftirminnilega árið 2010, er blandað saman við hvítt postulínið og gefur það skemmtilega áferð.

Hver vasi er handskreyttur og einstakur, engir tveir eru eins.

Vasarnir koma í tveimur stærðum .

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