


The Pillar Vase is a stylish vase with a sculptural impression. Since it’s launch in Autumn 2018, the product has grown fast in popularity and has become a bestseller.

The silky-smooth finish on the ceramics has achieved iconic status as the feature most strongly associated with Cooee. Every vase is also handmade and hand painted, which makes every piece unique.

The vase is beautiful to m…

The Pillar Vase is a stylish vase with a sculptural impression. Since it’s launch in Autumn 2018, the product has grown fast in popularity and has become a bestseller.

The silky-smooth finish on the ceramics has achieved iconic status as the feature most strongly associated with Cooee. Every vase is also handmade and hand painted, which makes every piece unique.

The vase is beautiful to mix with other product in the living collection such as trays and candlesticks.

Hanna af; Anders Pfeffer Gjengedal

W:12, L:12, H:24

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