
Bók ferm LIVING Coffee Table book 2023

Ferm Living
Notes, in all their different forms, reflect what is going on in our minds – fragments that create a whole, tracking our thoughts and guiding our creative process. Words scrawled on a piece of paper, a sketch of a budding idea or a mental note filed away for future reference all hold the potential to become a beautiful piece of design. These pages are a journey through the home with our notes att…
Notes, in all their different forms, reflect what is going on in our minds – fragments that create a whole, tracking our thoughts and guiding our creative process. Words scrawled on a piece of paper, a sketch of a budding idea or a mental note filed away for future reference all hold the potential to become a beautiful piece of design. These pages are a journey through the home with our notes attached. Among personal reflections, visits to the homes of creatives and stories behind the process of our designs, it explores a premise that we use extensively in our work at ferm LIVING: the notion of home as more than just bricks and mortar or a collection of objects.+

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

Já notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Já uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Nánar um stefnuna og vefkökur hér.