
Smurbretti CAIRN 4/pk Dark Brown

Characterised by their soft curves and sculpted details, the Cairn Butter Boards add an artistic element to mealtimes. Inspired by cairns, man-made stacks of stones that are often raised for memorial purposes, the organic wooden shapes have been carved from solid, FSC™ certified ash wood. Featuring delicate, rounded edges, the pieces have been treated with a carbonised finish for a distinct look.…
Characterised by their soft curves and sculpted details, the Cairn Butter Boards add an artistic element to mealtimes. Inspired by cairns, man-made stacks of stones that are often raised for memorial purposes, the organic wooden shapes have been carved from solid, FSC™ certified ash wood. Featuring delicate, rounded edges, the pieces have been treated with a carbonised finish for a distinct look. Use them as plates for enjoying a delicious breakfast or lunch, or as a decorative way of serving up food at the dinner table.

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

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