

Introduce an inviting tactility into your space with the Brown Cotton Cushions. Made from a naturally occurring cotton variant with a characteristic brown colour that does not require dyeing, the fabric has a distinctive, coarser texture with an appealing hand feel. Each cushion features an understated pattern with traditional cotton detailing that has been dyed using natural dyeing agents like i…
Introduce an inviting tactility into your space with the Brown Cotton Cushions. Made from a naturally occurring cotton variant with a characteristic brown colour that does not require dyeing, the fabric has a distinctive, coarser texture with an appealing hand feel. Each cushion features an understated pattern with traditional cotton detailing that has been dyed using natural dyeing agents like indigo, madder root and pomegranate peel. The brown cotton fabric has been hand spun and handwoven, meaning that it requires considerably less resources than traditional cotton farming.

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