
K120 Business Keyboard, svart (US/INT)


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Keyboard K120 for Business is a durable keyboard that does not make a hole in your wallet. You get a comfortable and quiet typing experience with quiet low-profile keys and function keys and numeric keypad in a normal size. The spill-resistant keyboard * with clear symbols looks good on any desk and easily connects to the USB port. * Tested under limite…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Keyboard K120 for Business is a durable keyboard that does not make a hole in your wallet. You get a comfortable and quiet typing experience with quiet low-profile keys and function keys and numeric keypad in a normal size. The spill-resistant keyboard * with clear symbols looks good on any desk and easily connects to the USB port. * Tested under limited conditions (maximum 60 ml liquid spillage).

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  • Skrifstofuvörur
    Skrifstofuvörur ehf 553 4000 Skútuvogi 11, 104 Reykjavík

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