
MX Keys Mini Minimalist Wireless Keyboard, Rose (Nordic)


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Introducing MX Keys Mini, a smaller, smarter, and mightier minimalist wireless keyboard made for creators. The minimalist form factor provides improved ergonomics by aligning your shoulders and allowing you to place your mouse closer to your keyboard for less arm reaching, more comfort, and better body posture. Perfect Stroke keys are shaped for your finger…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Introducing MX Keys Mini, a smaller, smarter, and mightier minimalist wireless keyboard made for creators. The minimalist form factor provides improved ergonomics by aligning your shoulders and allowing you to place your mouse closer to your keyboard for less arm reaching, more comfort, and better body posture. Perfect Stroke keys are shaped for your fingertips with optimal key stability and tactile responsiveness to keep you oriented and in your flow. The backlit keys light up the moment your hands approach, and automatically adjust to suit changing lighting conditions. Smart Dictation, Mic Mute/Unmute (1), and Emoji keys streamline your workflow even further. Work seamlessly across multiple computers when you pair MX Keys Mini with a Flow-enabled MX Master 3 or MX Anywhere 3. Keyboard dimensions: Height: 20.97 mm Width: 295.99 mm Depth: 131.95 mm Weight: 506.4g

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