
MediaRange Optical 3-button wired mús, svört


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

MediaRange Optical 3-button mouse, wired, black/grey MediaRange input devices are perfect for all applications in the office or at home. Our optical 3-button mouse can be quickly and easily connected via the USB plug with any computer and is ready to use with all common operating systems. FEATURES: Model: Optical 3-button mouseResolution: 1000 dpiInterfa…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

MediaRange Optical 3-button mouse, wired, black/grey MediaRange input devices are perfect for all applications in the office or at home. Our optical 3-button mouse can be quickly and easily connected via the USB plug with any computer and is ready to use with all common operating systems. FEATURES: Model: Optical 3-button mouseResolution: 1000 dpiInterface: USB 2.0Connection: Cable, 1.5m3 buttons incl. Scroll wheelCompatible with Windows, Mac and LinuxPlug & PlayWeight: 77gDimensions: 108 x 58 x 37 mmColor: black/grey

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