
MX Keys Advanced Wireless Illuminated Keyboard, Graphite (No


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Introducing MX Keys, an advanced wireless illuminated keyboard crafted for efficiency, stability and precision. Perfect-stroke keys are shaped for your fingertips and increased key stability reduces noise while optimising responsiveness. Tactile reference for hand positioning makes it easy to stay oriented and in your flow. The backlit keys light up the mom…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Introducing MX Keys, an advanced wireless illuminated keyboard crafted for efficiency, stability and precision. Perfect-stroke keys are shaped for your fingertips and increased key stability reduces noise while optimising responsiveness. Tactile reference for hand positioning makes it easy to stay oriented and in your flow. The backlit keys light up the moment your hands approach, and automatically adjust to suit changing lighting conditions. MX Keys follows your MX Master 3 – or other Flow-enabled mouse – from one computer to another, meaning you can type on multiple devices in one fluid workflow. PERFECT-STROKE KEYS – Spherically dished keys match the shape of your fingertips, offering satisfying feedback with every tap. Each keystroke is fluid, natural, fast and accurate with a distinct tactile response. COMFORT AND STABILITY – Type with confidence on a keyboard crafted for comfort, stability and precision, as well as durability. SMART ILLUMINATION –

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  • Skrifstofuvörur
    Skrifstofuvörur ehf 553 4000 Skútuvogi 11, 104 Reykjavík

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