
MX Keys Business Wireless Keyboard, Graphite (Nordic)


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

BUILDERS OF THE FUTUREThe MX Series is designed for people with highly specialized workflow needs like coders, creatives and analysts. With MX Keys for Business, users can type on a keyboard crafted for stability and precision where every keystroke is fluid, natural, and accurate. If they can think it, they can master it. THE UNIQUE MASTER SERIES EXPERIENC…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

BUILDERS OF THE FUTUREThe MX Series is designed for people with highly specialized workflow needs like coders, creatives and analysts. With MX Keys for Business, users can type on a keyboard crafted for stability and precision where every keystroke is fluid, natural, and accurate. If they can think it, they can master it. THE UNIQUE MASTER SERIES EXPERIENCEBuilding on decades of scientific expertise in human interaction, we create intuitive, human-centered experiences—and MX Keys for Business is no exception. From Perfect Stroke keys to smart illumination that automatically adapts backlight to movement and lighting conditions, the MX Series delivers experiences that are addictive, enhancing people’s performance. VERSATILE CROSS-PLATFORM COMPATIBILITYMX for Business products work with leading enterprise operating systems and business apps—across desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This makes global deployment seamless. GREATER PRODUCTIVITY WITH OPTIONSLogite

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