
Logitech Signature M650 L þráðlaus mús, Off-white


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Upgrade to smarter scrolling, better comfort, and more productivity with the Signature M650 L. The versatile mouse features an adaptive scroll SmartWheel that delivers line-by-line precision, and auto-switches to super fast free spin mode with the flick of a finger. A choice of sizes for smaller, larger and left hands means there's a perfect fit for anyone.…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

Upgrade to smarter scrolling, better comfort, and more productivity with the Signature M650 L. The versatile mouse features an adaptive scroll SmartWheel that delivers line-by-line precision, and auto-switches to super fast free spin mode with the flick of a finger. A choice of sizes for smaller, larger and left hands means there's a perfect fit for anyone. Seamless wireless connectivity, customizable side buttons, and a comfort shape keep you comfortably and productive hour after hour. Logitech’s SilentTouch technology delivers silent clicks to keep you focused – while 24-month battery life** and universal operating system compatibility ensure hassle-free performance. **Battery life may vary based on user and computing conditions

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