
þráðlaus mús Pro, svört


Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

The Sandberg Wireless Wireless Mouse Pro gives you full flexibility when working with your computer. The mouse is wireless, avoiding the need for an irritating cable. Installation is fully automatic with no need for software or device pairing. The tiny USB receiver simply slots into a USB port, enabling the Sandberg Wireless DesignMouse to be used immediate…

Nánari lýsing frá framleiðanda:

The Sandberg Wireless Wireless Mouse Pro gives you full flexibility when working with your computer. The mouse is wireless, avoiding the need for an irritating cable. Installation is fully automatic with no need for software or device pairing. The tiny USB receiver simply slots into a USB port, enabling the Sandberg Wireless DesignMouse to be used immediately.

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