
Here is Reykjavik!

Margrét Tryggvadóttir og Linda Ólafsdóttir

Did you know that Reykjavík used to be only a few houses on one street? And that once upon a time, people lived in army barracks where Hallgrímskirkja now stands?

Here is Reykjavík! tells the story of Iceland’s capital city, from before the arrival of the first human beings until it became the lively and diverse city we know now. Through words and pictures, it describes soci…

Did you know that Reykjavík used to be only a few houses on one street? And that once upon a time, people lived in army barracks where Hallgrímskirkja now stands?

Here is Reykjavík! tells the story of Iceland’s capital city, from before the arrival of the first human beings until it became the lively and diverse city we know now. Through words and pictures, it describes society and culture, apartment buildings and road networks, skating rinks and sewers, beautiful views and outdoor areas, and all sorts of other things you will find in Reykjavík.

Margrét Tryggvadóttir and Linda Ólafsdóttir gathered great praise for their book Here is Iceland! Now they turn the spotlight on Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. The result is a beautiful work of art that is full of interesting information for the entire family.

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  • Salka
    Salka bókabúð og útgáfa 776 2400 Hverfisgötu 89-93, 101 Reykjavík

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