
HABISTAT REPTAVITE - steinefni/vítamín fyrir ýmis dýr - 40gr


Skjaldbökur - flestar eðlur - Snákar

Hannað fyrir dýr sem borða mest grænmeti/kjöt/fisk

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- Comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement
- Specifically designed for use on vegetables, fruit, meat or fish
- Ideal for iguanids, herbivorous lizards and tortoises


HabiStat Reptavite has been specifically formulated to…

Skjaldbökur - flestar eðlur - Snákar

Hannað fyrir dýr sem borða mest grænmeti/kjöt/fisk

Sjá ensku hér að neðan


- Comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement
- Specifically designed for use on vegetables, fruit, meat or fish
- Ideal for iguanids, herbivorous lizards and tortoises


HabiStat Reptavite has been specifically formulated to balance the nutritional requirements of reptiles and amphibians that feed on vegetables, fruit, meat or fish.
Reptavite can also be used in the place of Repton, for dusting insects where a lower potency of suppllement is required as well as for dipping whole food items, such as mice or rats, prior to feeding.
Ideal for iguanids, herbivorous lizards and tortoises.

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