
COSRX AC Collection Acne Patch


COSRX AC Collection Acne Patch is a revolutionary holistic solution to acne spots! With 26 patches in 3 sizes, this highly adhesive set gives you maximum coverage and maximum invisibility. It's ideal for covering multiple adjacent spots at once, while its soothing and calming properties help to reduce inflammation and fade scars. Get rid of blemishes and feel confident in your skin with COSRX!

COSRX AC Collection Acne Patch is a revolutionary holistic solution to acne spots! With 26 patches in 3 sizes, this highly adhesive set gives you maximum coverage and maximum invisibility. It's ideal for covering multiple adjacent spots at once, while its soothing and calming properties help to reduce inflammation and fade scars. Get rid of blemishes and feel confident in your skin with COSRX!

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