
ERIC Gólfmotta 170x240CM


60 % Pollyester / 40% Bómull

The Eric rug from the collection of Dutch brand WOOOD is totally contemporary and adds a warm, cosy atmosphere and good foundation to any room. The Eric rug is made of 60% polyester and 40% cotton with a stylish Bohemian print. The rug is not heat-permeable and cannot let heat through on floors with underfloor heating.

60 % Pollyester / 40% Bómull

The Eric rug from the collection of Dutch brand WOOOD is totally contemporary and adds a warm, cosy atmosphere and good foundation to any room. The Eric rug is made of 60% polyester and 40% cotton with a stylish Bohemian print. The rug is not heat-permeable and cannot let heat through on floors with underfloor heating.

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  • Tekk Company
    Tekk-company 564 4400 Skógarlind 2, 201 Kópavogi

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