
Bekkur Herringbone medium

  • MUST Living bench Herringbone has a measurement of 45x120x32 cm. Herringbone is made of recycled teakwood. The bench is also available in a smaller size.
    Our wood is selected for its unique qualities and carefully crafted. Cracks, marks and other irregularities are part of its charm and provide the character we seek.
  • MUST Living bench Herringbone has a measurement of 45x120x32 cm. Herringbone is made of recycled teakwood. The bench is also available in a smaller size.
    Our wood is selected for its unique qualities and carefully crafted. Cracks, marks and other irregularities are part of its charm and provide the character we seek.

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  • Tekk Company
    Tekk-company 564 4400 Skógarlind 2, 201 Kópavogi

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