
Uva Ring - Gold


Uva, handmade gold plated ring with natural clean green prehnite stone.

El Fruto Collection.

The stones of the pieces in this collection are unique and special, so the shades and hues may be different from each other.

MATERIAL Gold Plated Recycled Sterling Silver , Green

Uva, handmade gold plated ring with natural clean green prehnite stone.

El Fruto Collection.

The stones of the pieces in this collection are unique and special, so the shades and hues may be different from each other.

MATERIAL Gold Plated Recycled Sterling Silver , Green

12 14 18

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  • Hildur Yeoman
    Yeoman tískuvöruverslun 519 8889 Laugavegi 7, 101 Reykjavík

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