
SANDHÓLL íþróttabuxur

Sandholl sporty polyester trousers are a convenient and comfortable find for a multitude of activities. These aren’t your standard sweatpants—they are 100% quick-dry polyester (190-200gsm) made for (wo)men on the move. With zipped lower legs and a drawstring at the waist, they are fully adjustable trainer-style trousers. The zipped pockets add even greater convenience for optimal performance with…
Sandholl sporty polyester trousers are a convenient and comfortable find for a multitude of activities. These aren’t your standard sweatpants—they are 100% quick-dry polyester (190-200gsm) made for (wo)men on the move. With zipped lower legs and a drawstring at the waist, they are fully adjustable trainer-style trousers. The zipped pockets add even greater convenience for optimal performance without the fear of something falling out of a pocket.

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