
Highlands motta brún 64 - 200 × 280 cm

Veer Carpets

Highlands rug combines graphic design with comfort! The unique line pattern, which resembles the movement of a wave, adds a playful element to the interior. The pattern is subtle and refined, making the rug easy to combine with different materials and colors. Thanks to the soft texture of viscose, this rug feels wonderful under your feet.

Available in the following sizes: 160 x 230 c…

Highlands rug combines graphic design with comfort! The unique line pattern, which resembles the movement of a wave, adds a playful element to the interior. The pattern is subtle and refined, making the rug easy to combine with different materials and colors. Thanks to the soft texture of viscose, this rug feels wonderful under your feet.

Available in the following sizes: 160 x 230 cm and 200 x 280 cm.

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  • Tekk Company
    Tekk-company 564 4400 Skógarlind 2, 201 Kópavogi

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