
Bambu Lab ABS - 1kg.

Bambu Lab

ABS er öflugt efni sem er með gott höggþol, styrk, sveigju og ágætis hitaþol.

Product Features

  • Tough and Durable
  • Good Heat & Freezing Resistance
  • Comes with High Temperature Reusable Spool
  • Diameter: 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm…

ABS er öflugt efni sem er með gott höggþol, styrk, sveigju og ágætis hitaþol.

Product Features

  • Tough and Durable
  • Good Heat & Freezing Resistance
  • Comes with High Temperature Reusable Spool
  • Diameter: 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm
  • AMS Compatible

Cautions for Use

  • Enclosure Printers Required

Bambu ABS is a dependable 3D printing material renowned for its exceptional stability, durability, and high impact resistance. Additionally, this filament also boasts excellent heat resistance, making it ideal for projects involving moderate temperatures. With its versatile properties, Bambu ABS filament stands as an excellent choice for a wide range of 3D printing applications.

Strong & Durable

As one of the most widely used filaments, Bambu ABS comes with excellent mechanical properties that make it stronger than normal PLA and PETG. It is ideal for creating functional parts, prototypes, and standard engineering components, ensuring long life and reliability.

Impressive Heat Resistance

Bambu ABS filament offers exceptional heat resistance (Heat Deflection Temperature: 87 °C) coupled with commendable mechanical properties. This makes it an outstanding choice for everyday functional parts that require high-temperature resistance.


Boasting excellent water-resistant performance, Bambu ABS ensures relatively long-lasting durability when used in a wet environment.

Tough with High Impact Resistance

Bambu ABS is exceptionally robust, and its prints can withstand multiple impacts, collisions, and falls. It exhibits good impact resistance even at low temperatures.

RFID for Intelligent Printing

All printing parameters are embedded in RFID, which can be read through our AMS (Automatic Material System). Load and print! No more tedious setting steps.

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  • 3D Verk
    3D Verk ehf 577 3020 Vatnagörðum 22 3DVerk er netverslun, engin móttaka í Vatnagörðum, 104 Reykjavík

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