DESIGN: Rui Pereira & Ryosuke Fukusada.
ANZA meaning ‘to sit at ease’ in Japanese, ANZA is a seating collection comprising a pouffe, bench and coffee table. To complete the seating ensemble, with its high-gloss lacquer and oiled oak finishing, the designers also added their own low coffee table based on a similar design vocabulary and featuring a durable Carrara marble top.
This colle…
DESIGN: Rui Pereira & Ryosuke Fukusada.
ANZA meaning ‘to sit at ease’ in Japanese, ANZA is a seating collection comprising a pouffe, bench and coffee table. To complete the seating ensemble, with its high-gloss lacquer and oiled oak finishing, the designers also added their own low coffee table based on a similar design vocabulary and featuring a durable Carrara marble top.
This collection, part of a wider modular system, aims at enhancing both domestic and public environments.
Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.