
Kimono nightrobe


Ljós ferskjulitaður náttsloppur með svartri blúndu. Hægt að fá náttkjól í stíl.

Nánari lýsing: ,, Internal ties allow the opening to be more or less adjusted and a large removable belt gracefully marks the waist. For more practicality, two small discreet pockets adorn the model. Its supple and soft material provides a perfect fit in all circumstances.

Ljós ferskjulitaður náttsloppur með svartri blúndu. Hægt að fá náttkjól í stíl.

Nánari lýsing: ,, Internal ties allow the opening to be more or less adjusted and a large removable belt gracefully marks the waist. For more practicality, two small discreet pockets adorn the model. Its supple and soft material provides a perfect fit in all circumstances. The V-neckline as well as the ends of the kimono are sublimated by a delicate lace which lets glimpse the skin in a play of refined transparency. Small brand logo in pearls . "

Efnislýsing: 100% bómull, blúnda- 100% pólýester.

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