
Mette Ditmer Art Piece Chestnut

Mette Ditmer

The CHESTNUT is inspired by nature. More specifically a chestnut shell. The design has been interpreted in a more clean cut, graphic way – but the resemblance is still evident. The CHESTNUT is a part of the ART PIECE collection which consists of unique products based on Mette Ditmer’s own ceramic craftings. The items have been reproduced in a stone resin material, which is less fragile than cer…

The CHESTNUT is inspired by nature. More specifically a chestnut shell. The design has been interpreted in a more clean cut, graphic way – but the resemblance is still evident. The CHESTNUT is a part of the ART PIECE collection which consists of unique products based on Mette Ditmer’s own ceramic craftings. The items have been reproduced in a stone resin material, which is less fragile than ceramics, so that the items can withstand everyday life without breaking too easily. As the items are finalized by hand after molding, every product will appear a little different from the next, adding to the uniqueness of each art piece. The CHESTNUT is not food safe.

Size: Ø 20 x H 10 cm
Material: Stone resin
Care instructions: Hand wash or use a moist cloth. We recommend normal dish soap. Not dishwasher safe.

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  • Snúran
    Snúran ehf 537 5101 Ármúla 38, 108 Reykjavík

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