
Aline shoes


Bukela ökklaskór

Nánari lýsing: " ALINE has many fine details, where you can see inspiration from westerns. The boot has a zipper, which makes it easy to jump in and at the same time functions as a cool detail. ALINE has visible stitching in a bold pattern, which gives the boot an extra flair. At the same time, it has a nice heel, which makes it suitable for everyday use and …

Bukela ökklaskór

Nánari lýsing: " ALINE has many fine details, where you can see inspiration from westerns. The boot has a zipper, which makes it easy to jump in and at the same time functions as a cool detail. ALINE has visible stitching in a bold pattern, which gives the boot an extra flair. At the same time, it has a nice heel, which makes it suitable for everyday use and parties."

Efnislýsing: 100% leður.

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  • Hjá Hrafnhildi
    Hjá Hrafnhildi 581 2141 Engjateigi 5, 105 Reykjavík

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