
Poise Candle Holder

Origin Made

The Poise candle holder is designed to bring light, balance and grace. A subtle statement piece that seemingly allows the light to float, but always holding it solidly in place – a small sculpture in its own right. Poise is sand cast in aluminium with a raw finish and polished flat surfaces, emphasising the qualities of the material.

Production: Portugal

Material: Aluminium


The Poise candle holder is designed to bring light, balance and grace. A subtle statement piece that seemingly allows the light to float, but always holding it solidly in place – a small sculpture in its own right. Poise is sand cast in aluminium with a raw finish and polished flat surfaces, emphasising the qualities of the material.

Production: Portugal

Material: Aluminium

Vertical: 72 L x 56 W x 117 H mm
Horizontal: 105 L x 57 W x 78 H mm

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