
Lightweight jacket with an unusual embossed print

Frank Walder

Frank Walder vattjakki

Nánari lýsing: ,, Wow! The cool look of this comfortable outdoor jacket cannot be overlooked. Not only that the style is padded, but also that the extraordinary tone-on-tone embossed print has the say. With stand-up collar, integrated welt pockets and zip. An eye-catcher with a feel-good factor. This jacket wi…

Frank Walder vattjakki

Nánari lýsing: ,, Wow! The cool look of this comfortable outdoor jacket cannot be overlooked. Not only that the style is padded, but also that the extraordinary tone-on-tone embossed print has the say. With stand-up collar, integrated welt pockets and zip. An eye-catcher with a feel-good factor. This jacket will keep you cozy through the winter. "

Efnislýsing:  100% pólýester

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