
Raunsborg - Body Shower For All Skin Types 200 ml


Raunsborg Body Shower For All Skintypes has a delicious, fruity and refreshing scent that leaves you with a clean and well-moisturized feeling after each bath. In addition, this body shower contains creatine, apple, oats and honey, which combined with each other gives incredibly soft and supple skin, while also providing nourishment. Raunsborg Body Shower For All Skintypes has notes of rhubarb,…

Raunsborg Body Shower For All Skintypes has a delicious, fruity and refreshing scent that leaves you with a clean and well-moisturized feeling after each bath. In addition, this body shower contains creatine, apple, oats and honey, which combined with each other gives incredibly soft and supple skin, while also providing nourishment. Raunsborg Body Shower For All Skintypes has notes of rhubarb, blackcurrants and wild fruits, and therefore gives you the same feeling of well-being and self-pampering every time.


  • Rinse the body with water

  • Then wash yourself in the Raunsborg Nordic Body Shower

  • Then rinse off the soap with water


  • For all skin types

  • Has a refreshing and fruity scent of rhubarb, blackcurrants and wild fruits

  • Contains a formula that leaves you with incredibly soft, well-moisturized and supple skin

  • Adds nourishment to the skin

  • Gives a fantastic feeling of well-being and self-indulgence every time

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