
MM Mattie flip shirt

Mos Mosh

Mos Mosh skyrta

Nánari lýsing: " Looking to add a feminine touch to your outfit? Cut in a flattering slim fit, crafted in the softest stretchy fabric with a classic collar, feminine ruffled cuffs and classic button closure. Style it with tailoring and let the ruffled cuff peep out from the sleeves. "

Efnislýsing: 67% bómull, 28% endurunnið pólýamíð …

Mos Mosh skyrta

Nánari lýsing: " Looking to add a feminine touch to your outfit? Cut in a flattering slim fit, crafted in the softest stretchy fabric with a classic collar, feminine ruffled cuffs and classic button closure. Style it with tailoring and let the ruffled cuff peep out from the sleeves. "

Efnislýsing: 67% bómull, 28% endurunnið pólýamíð og 5% teygja

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  • Hjá Hrafnhildi
    Hjá Hrafnhildi 581 2141 Engjateigi 5, 105 Reykjavík

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