
Raunsborg - Man Face Gel 80 ml


Raunsborg Man Face Gel is a face gel for men that also works as an after shave balm. This face gel is a light and moisturizing face gel that smells fresh and masculine of the wild, Danish nature. It quickly penetrates the skin without being greasy. Raunsborg Man Face Gel contains active ingredients from sea foam that rebuild and soothe the skin, while extracts from bladderwort have a refreshing…

Raunsborg Man Face Gel is a face gel for men that also works as an after shave balm. This face gel is a light and moisturizing face gel that smells fresh and masculine of the wild, Danish nature. It quickly penetrates the skin without being greasy. Raunsborg Man Face Gel contains active ingredients from sea foam that rebuild and soothe the skin, while extracts from bladderwort have a refreshing and softening effect. Hyaluronic acid takes care of the skin's own moisture balance and leaves the skin soft and supple.


  • Massage the face gel into the skin with circular movements, possibly after shaving

  • Use it twice a day or as needed

  • Clean any the skin with face wash before use


  • Face gel that also works as an aftershave balm

  • Light and moisturizing

  • Smells fresh and masculine of the wild, Danish nature

  • Penetrates quickly into the skin without appearing greasy

  • Contains i.a. active ingredients from sea foam

  • Rebuilds and soothes the skin

  • Has a refreshing and softening effect

  • Contains i.a. hyaluronic acid, which leaves the skin soft and supple

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