
DVALI púði (stutt hár) - 35x55cm


Icelandic Lambskin Cushion with short hairs

Colors Available :

Natural colors

White / Black / Brown / Spotted Black / Spotted Brown / Spotted Grey

Dyed wool

Burgundy / Pale Pink / Rose / Dark Tips


Brush the hairs regularly to keep them soft and straight and hang it outside on windy days.

Do not expose dyed fur to a direct and strong sunlight because color chan…

Icelandic Lambskin Cushion with short hairs

Colors Available :

Natural colors

White / Black / Brown / Spotted Black / Spotted Brown / Spotted Grey

Dyed wool

Burgundy / Pale Pink / Rose / Dark Tips


Brush the hairs regularly to keep them soft and straight and hang it outside on windy days.

Do not expose dyed fur to a direct and strong sunlight because color change may occur.

If you happen to stain your fur, try wiping it off with a damp cloth.
It is also good to use special cleaning liquid for wool, you mix it with water and use it carefully only on the stain.

Be careful not to use too much water and leave the fur to dry at room temperature.

To finish, brush the hairs and your fur will look brand new.

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  • Snúran
    Snúran ehf 537 5101 Ármúla 38, 108 Reykjavík

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