
Short sleeve jersey blouse


Stutterma blússa frá Seidensticker

Nánari lýsing: "Stylish fit - look stylish and classy in this midi-dress from Seidensticker's "The Jerseys" collection. Whether you're working from home or enjoying some free time, our elegant dress looks great as part of almost any outfit. Your new dress is both elegant and fashionable thanks to its plain pattern. This elegant dress is the p…

Stutterma blússa frá Seidensticker

Nánari lýsing: "Stylish fit - look stylish and classy in this midi-dress from Seidensticker's "The Jerseys" collection. Whether you're working from home or enjoying some free time, our elegant dress looks great as part of almost any outfit. Your new dress is both elegant and fashionable thanks to its plain pattern. This elegant dress is the perfect starting point for a fashionable outfit. Stylish and elegant, you can't go wrong with this long-sleeve dress. A Shirt Blouse Collar for classic feminine style. Elegant mother-of-pearl buttons are tasteful details. "

Efnislýsing: 67% viskós, 28% pólýester og 5% teygja

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