
3/4-sleeve poplin slip over blouse


Blússa frá Seidensticker

Nánari lýsing: " Feminine and elegant - add versatility and energy to your wardrobe with Seidensticker's slip over blouse from our "The Connecting Neutrals" collection. Whether you're enjoying some free time or heading to the office, our elegant slip over blouse goes with almost anything. Our poplin fabric made from a cotton blend is beautiful…

Blússa frá Seidensticker

Nánari lýsing: " Feminine and elegant - add versatility and energy to your wardrobe with Seidensticker's slip over blouse from our "The Connecting Neutrals" collection. Whether you're enjoying some free time or heading to the office, our elegant slip over blouse goes with almost anything. Our poplin fabric made from a cotton blend is beautifully finished, making it the perfect fabric for your exclusive outfits. Your new style boasts a plain pattern. This slip over blouse is a real eye-catcher thanks to its playful mix of classic elegance and modern design. Look elegant and stylish on warm days in this 3/4-sleeve-slip over blouse. Plus a Shirt Blouse Collar for that classic feminine look. We've also sewn on elegant mother-of-pearl buttons."

Efnislýsing: 97% bómull og 3% teygja

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  • Hjá Hrafnhildi
    Hjá Hrafnhildi 581 2141 Engjateigi 5, 105 Reykjavík

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