
Macade Bowie Tour Popover



Bowie Tour Popover

Virkilega flott hettupeysa frá Macade!

Klárlega ein af okkar uppáhalds frá Macade.

Frábært snið, tæknilegt og teygjanlegt efni.

"For more protection against the elements, our Bowie Tour Popover is the ideal choice. The wind resistant fabric endures unfavorable weather as the spacious hood provides extra protection for unexpected weather…


Bowie Tour Popover

Virkilega flott hettupeysa frá Macade!

Klárlega ein af okkar uppáhalds frá Macade.

Frábært snið, tæknilegt og teygjanlegt efni.

"For more protection against the elements, our Bowie Tour Popover is the ideal choice. The wind resistant fabric endures unfavorable weather as the spacious hood provides extra protection for unexpected weather changes. The front pocket is spacious and secured by two side zippers. Macade branding is found on the chest and hood. "

95% Performance Polyester - 5% Spandex

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  • Prósjoppan 571 6133 Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík

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