
Raunsborg - Secret No.1 EdP 50ml


Raunsborg Secret No 1 EDP is an attractive, refreshing and mysterious unisex fragrance that can be enjoyed by both men and women. The notes in this Eau de Parfum are completely unique, and are reminiscent of the delicious, fresh and spring-like scents you encounter in the forest, just when winter is over and the sun begins to peek out. it is, among other things, the notes of birch wood, moss an…

Raunsborg Secret No 1 EDP is an attractive, refreshing and mysterious unisex fragrance that can be enjoyed by both men and women. The notes in this Eau de Parfum are completely unique, and are reminiscent of the delicious, fresh and spring-like scents you encounter in the forest, just when winter is over and the sun begins to peek out. it is, among other things, the notes of birch wood, moss and lily of the valley that give the irresistible scent, which further down in the base notes gets a spicy and attractive twist. A natural, round and pleasant EDP that develops over time and makes you bloom like it was the first day of March.

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