
Prolimit Fusion Boot 5.5mm



The Prolimit Fusion boot is a unisex round toe boot with rubber reinforcements. The glued and blind-stitched seams keep the water from getting in and the 5.5Mm neoprene makes sure your feet stay warm. The reinforced panels on your heel and arch make sure you have the stability and support that you need during your session on the water.

Thickness: 5.5 mm


The Prolimit Fusion boot is a unisex round toe boot with rubber reinforcements. The glued and blind-stitched seams keep the water from getting in and the 5.5Mm neoprene makes sure your feet stay warm. The reinforced panels on your heel and arch make sure you have the stability and support that you need during your session on the water.

Thickness: 5.5 mm

Material: Airflex 300+ Limestone Neoprene


  • Airflex 450+ limestone neoprene
  • Foot lock arch control rubber
  • Heel webbing loop for easier access
  • GBS seams (glued and blind stitched)
  • OCL (Orthopedic controlled last)
  • DCS (Direct controlled last)
  • Heel lock reinforcement
  • Flexible calf panel for easy entry
  • Water based glue, anti-allergic, environment friendly
  • Airflex 350+ limestone neoprene

Verslaðu hér

  • Hobby & sport ehf 553 0015 Silfursmára 2, 201 Kópavogi

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