
Reima Vauhtiin Sokkar


Reima Vauhtiin Sokkar

Léttir og silkimjúkir sokkar í stærðum 22-37

  • One pair of socks
  • Lighter style, no terry reinforcement
  • Elastic, comfortable material
  • ECONYL® regenerated nylon is made out of waste that’s been rescued from landfills and oceans
  • ECONYL® fibers can be recycled, recreated, and remolded to reduce the need for…

Reima Vauhtiin Sokkar

Léttir og silkimjúkir sokkar í stærðum 22-37

  • One pair of socks
  • Lighter style, no terry reinforcement
  • Elastic, comfortable material
  • ECONYL® regenerated nylon is made out of waste that’s been rescued from landfills and oceans
  • ECONYL® fibers can be recycled, recreated, and remolded to reduce the need for virgin materials

Verslaðu hér

  • Sportís
    Sportís ehf 520 1000 Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavík

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